The only way for a woman to know for sure if she is pregnant is to take a pregnancy test and visit a doctor or OB/GYN. Pregnancy can imitate or mimic the symptoms of menstruation, which is why you should take a pregnancy test and see your doctor. There are some early signs early on in pregnancy that can confirm a pregnancy or not.
Spotting and cramping are some of the leading early signs of pregnancy. After conception, the egg attaches itself to the uterus wall, which is what causes the spotting and cramping. The vagina walls also thicken, causing a white milky discharge from the vagina. Changes in the breast are regular. The area around the nipples may become darker, the breast may become sore, and the breast may also become fuller and or more tender than usual.
During the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman’s body will go through many changes. The first trimester is weeks one through twelve, the first three months of pregnancy. The hormonal changes in the body will affect every organ from head to toe. Extreme fatigue, sudden cravings for specific foods, weight gain, and sometimes distaste for particular foods are examples of these changes.
Pregnancy is a significant life event or occurrence that will forever change your life. You will need to sit down, assess your life choices and current life situation, and determine your most critical priorities. You will also need to change some of your ways and perhaps cut people out of your life.
Your doctor will help you calculate your due date. After that, you will need to decide when to announce your pregnancy. You and your partner will need to look at your finances together and agree on what will need to be done for everyone’s wellbeing, security, and stability.