Uterine fibroids can appear in women, usually during their childbearing years. Also known as leiomyomas or myomas, this condition is a noncancerous growth that develops in the uterus. They can range in size from small enough to be undetectable by the … [Read more...] about What Are Uterine Fibroids?
Mimi Kuykendall, PA-CMS Retirement
To all the wonderful women that I have been blessed to help provide health care, I regret to inform you that because of family issues, I am going to be taking an early retirement, effective October 17, 2019. This will be a permanent retirement as I … [Read more...] about Mimi Kuykendall, PA-CMS Retirement
Cancer is Not Quarantined – Check Your Breasts
Regular mammograms are still the best way to detect breast cancer early. There are other options that your doctor may recommend depending on your individual needs. We wrote about some of these alternatives in a previous blog article, Choices in … [Read more...] about Cancer is Not Quarantined – Check Your Breasts
Wonderful New Year
L'Shana Tova to family, friends, and our wonderful patients who celebrate. … [Read more...] about Wonderful New Year
Am I Really Feeling Baby Kicks When I’m Not Pregnant?
Our bodies do weird things sometimes that don’t make sense. One of the strangest is phantom kicking. Your menstrual cycle is the same, you haven’t been intimate lately, or you otherwise know for a fact that you’re not pregnant. So why do you keep … [Read more...] about Am I Really Feeling Baby Kicks When I’m Not Pregnant?
What Are Pelvic Floor Disorders?
Pelvic floor disorders affect the connective tissue, ligaments, and muscles found in the lowest region of the pelvis. They are responsible for supporting organs like the vagina, uterus, bladder, rectum, and bowel. While it may not be discussed as … [Read more...] about What Are Pelvic Floor Disorders?