Among other post-menopausal symptoms, some women may experience vaginal atrophy. Vaginal atrophy refers to the thinning, drying, and inflammation of the vaginal walls and is a result of a drop in estrogen levels. Doctors may refer to vaginal atrophy as genitourinary syndrome of menopause or GSM. Women experiencing vaginal atrophy or GSM may deal with painful urination or pain during intercourse. An official diagnosis can be completed after a urine test and pelvis exam. Most women who are experiencing the above symptoms will not see a doctor, although treatments for vaginal atrophy are available. Consult your doctor with any reoccurring symptoms. Your doctor may recommend over the counter moisturizers or lubricants to relive pain. If symptoms do not decrease, the next step is estrogen therapy.
Patients can consult with their doctor to determine the best course of action and any risks that could arise. Talk to your doctor today.