It is normal during the coronavirus pandemic for everyone including expectant mothers and their families to worry about themselves and their baby’s health. Doctors and scientists are continuing to gather information on how COVID-19 spreads and affects pregnant mothers and the fetus. More is learned every day as exposure and cases have increased and time to study and analyze data continues to provide more insight.
Unfortunately, there is still a lot unknown about the virus but we will continue to pass information forward to our patients as more research is completed and we learn more. In the meantime, adhere to CDC guidelines to best protect yourself, your baby, and your family. We feel it is best to error on the side of caution. If you have any questions, please talk to any of our obstetricians.
So far, there is no evidence that the virus affects pregnant woman more than the general population but people with certain health conditions are more susceptible to getting sicker.
At the moment, we have not seen COVID-19 transmitted to a fetus. Although, it is possible to transmit COVID-19 to a baby after it is born. It seems that most babies have no symptoms or their case is mild.
COVID-19 has not been found in breastmilk as of now, however, there is an increased risk to the baby if the caregiver has coronavirus. If a delivering mom tests positive and wishes to breastfeed, we suggest considering pumping until recovered, even if asymptomatic.
We have put stringent recommended protocols in place for the safety of our patients, doctors and staff. We want you to feel comfortable during your visit. We have also added Telemedicine visits if it is appropriate for your concern or question. Your OBGYN will talk to you about the current protocols for your birthing plan during your visit. Click here to read Women’s Health current guidelines. Contact us to schedule a visit or for a Telemedicine appointment.